Covid & Infection control Cleaning

DCC Facility Services, has highly skilled and qualified cleaning staff available for COVID-19 Cleaning as well as Infection Control Cleaning.

Biological hazards such as bodily fluids, blood and faecal matter, can carry viruses and pose a significant health risk. To help eliminate the risk of infection from exposure, it’s vital to decontaminate the area safely after an incident involving biohazardous materials or waste.

In the event that your workplace is impacted by exposure to a dangerous virus such as COVID-19 or any such contamination a systematic and coordinated approach to environmental contamination is required. Following the correct procedures for cleaning biological waste is a legal requirement under public health acts.

DCC Facility Services works quickly and efficiently to disinfect the contaminated area, safely disposing of hazardous waste, with minimal disruption to your business or premises. Our team of trained specialists are experienced in post-contamination cleaning, operating with complete discretion and dealing with sensitive situations.